時事英語 : 国内|社会

 日用品 : daily necessities

"Retailers hasten to prepare for consumption tax hike"

With one month left until the Oct. 1 consumption tax rate hike to 10 percent, retailers are hastening preparation for a more complicated tax scheme that incentivizes cashless payments, keeps the 8 percent rate on daily necessities and introduces a reward point system for small and midsize retailers.

The Ario Kitasuna store of large electric appliance retailer Nojima Corp. in Koto Ward, Tokyo, put up a sign Friday indicating that there were "33 days left until the tax hike." As Nojima uses electronic price tags in its stores, the displayed prices will automatically change over to reflect the higher consumption tax on Oct 1.

From October, food and beverages ― excluding alcoholic drinks and eating out at dining establishments ― and other items considered daily necessities will continue to be taxed at 8 percent. Thus, the preparations by retailers for this consumption tax increase have been more elaborate.

(ソース:ネット the-japan-news.com ; August 31, 2019)


政府の対策は、日用品daily necessities) の税率を8%に据え置き、中小小売店でのキャッシュレス決済のインセンティブ(ポイント還元)等です。しかしながら、日用品には、お酒は含まれませんし、また、 スーパーやコンビニエンスストアで買った商品を、店内で食べる、イートインは、10%になります。


 ・hike(急に引き上げる) ・hasten(急がせる) ・scheme(仕組み)
 ・incentivize(奨励する) ・electric appliance(電気製品)
 ・excluding(~を除いて) ・elaborate(手の込んだ)


