時事英語 : 海外|経済

 弱気市場 : bear market

"Bearish battalions"

They rarely ring a bell at the bottom of bear markets. Investors who thought they had heard a tinkling sound when Bear Stearns, a failing American investment bank, was bundled into JPMorgan Chase in March have been disappointed. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now weaker than it was in the spring.

The American stock market had its worst month since 2002 in June and is now down more than 20% from its peak, the definition of a bear market. It is not alone. According to Standard & Poor's, a rating agency, the value of global stock markets fell by $3 trillion during the month, thanks in particular to a 10% decline in emerging markets.

(ソース:雑誌 The Economist : July 5th, 2008; Page 77)

“弱気の集団”というこの記事の中で、弱気市場bear marketベア・マーケット) の定義 ( the definition of a bear market ) が次のように述べられています。

down more than 20% from its peak

株価が下がり続けている弱気市場と反対に、株価が上がっている状態が続く上げ相場のことを 強気市場bull marketブル・マーケット) といいます。

 ・bearish(弱気の) ・bundle(取り込む)
 ・disappoint(失望する) ・thanks to(~のせいで)
 ・decline(減少) ・emerging market(新興市場)


