TOEIC、TOEFL対策テスト : Vol.17


But mostly Apple's zest comes from its reputation for ( A ). In polls of the world's most innovative firms it consistently ranks ( B ). From its first computer in 1977 to the mouse-driven Macintosh in 1984, the iPod music-player in 2001 and now the iPhone, ( C ) goes on sale in America this month, Apple ( D ) by keeping just ahead of the times.
 (ソース:雑誌 The Economist:June 9, 2007; Page11)

質問  「( A ) に入る単語は次のどれか。(1) invent (2) invention (3) inventiveness (4) inventive 」
質問  「( B ) に入る単語は次のどれか。(1) first (2) top (3) best (4) summit 」
質問  「( C ) に入る単語は次のどれか。(1) what (2) who (3) where (4) which 」
質問  「( D ) に入るのは、次のどれか。(1) prospered (2) has prospered (3) has been prospered
(4) prospers 」