
 ~まであと何日 : to go


  • There are one week to go before we launch a new product.

to go” を英英辞書で調べますと、「still remaining, left」と説明されています。目的地まで、あとどれ位距離が残っているか、あとどれ位時間がかかるか、 処理すべき仕事・課題が、どれ位残っているかを表現する場合に、“to go” は、便利な言葉です。


  • There are only three days to go until the application deadline.
  • I have one month to go before my transfer.
  • There are 10 miles to go before we reach a factory.
  • How much longer will the game go on? Just five minutes to go.
     (試合は、あとどれ位で終わるの? あと5分!)
  • You have two reports to go before the closing time.
  • There are only two tickets to go before they sell out.

